Tom Reilly

Waging a war against how to model time series vs fitting

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Will we make the month end "target" number?

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Everyone is asked this question.

Everyone tries to answer it.

Everyone wants the "Early Warning" and quarter end numbers for "the street".  Finance or Accounting are often asked by the organization to make these projections, but the truth is (and hurts) that they don't have the time series analysis tools and awareness needed to provide a good forecast.

The question is "Are you using your modeling skills to help you answer that question" or are you using simple averaging and ratio estimates to figure this one out?

We were asked at a Forecasting Conference by a P&G employee how to do this.  They had NOT identified the change in level down due to the financial crises in 2008.  Why? They were using simple approaches to forecast to a not so simple problem.  You need to model the data to do it correctly and not just blindly apply back of the envelope methods.

The problem is that when you use simple methods like ratio estimates you are assuming that Wednesday's behave the same as Saturdays. That assumption is the problem.  Less likely, but often we see the first few days of the month stronger due to a paycheck effect. So, the first few days are an outlier and yet they are being used to project. The wrong way to forecast the month end number is like this:

We are 5 days into the month and we want to forecast the expected month end number.  We take the first 5 days revenue/sales(ie $47,000).  We take the number of days in a month (ie 30) and take 30 and divide it by 5 which results in a factor of 6.  We multiply 6 by the 5 days of revenue and that is the forecast.  $47,000*6=$282,000.


The report you should be getting from your statistical software should look like this.  It provides a table of forecasts and the probability of making different numbers.    This allows you to interpolate your target number to find out where you stand using statistics and not simplistic division and multiplication.  Different levels of statistical confidence are set and the history plus the forecast are aggregated to provide a month end number.  The expected forecast is the 50% confidence level.




99.862335 17521950.24


99.740551 17804768.87


99.528383 18087587.5


99.172964 18370406.13


98.600522 18653224.75


97.714171 18936043.38


96.394897 19218862.01


94.507447 19501680.64


91.911957 19784499.27


88.481731 20067317.9


84.124939 20350136.53


78.806855 20632955.15


72.569247 20915773.78


65.538755 21198592.41


57.924343 21481411.04


57.924343 21481411.04


50 21764229.67


42.075657 22047048.3


34.461245 22329866.93


27.430753 22612685.56


21.193145 22895504.18


15.875062 23178322.81


11.518269 23461141.44


8.088043 23743960.07


5.492553 24026778.7


3.605103 24309597.33


2.285829 24592415.96


1.399478 24875234.59


0.827036 25158053.21


0.471617 25440871.84


0.259449 25723690.47


0.137665 26006509.1




To do this properly, you need to model the data using daily data.  We recommend about 3 years of historical data.  You need to consider all of these issues:

Day of the week effects, Seasonality, Trends, Holiday effects, Day of the month effects, outliers, Lead/Lags around Holidays, changes in seasonality(ie Saturdays are high and then over time becomes like the other days of the week)

Once you build a model that is sophisticated to truly model and understand the patterns within the data, you can then forecast with a reduced level of bias.  Let's describe SOME of the different components in this model now

1)The average demand is 148k 2)Demand is low by 241k on Women's Day - note that this is data from South Africa 3)The day before Reconciliation Day is high by 113k 4)MONTH_EFF09 means Septembers are typically low by 11k 5)FIXED_EFF_N10107 means that the first day of the week is low by 164k Note that the data begins on 7/1/2007 which is a Sunday 6)WKINM01 means that the first week of the month is high by 64k 7)FIXED_DAY01 means that the first day of the month is low by 56k 8)SEASONAL PULSE beginning at  164/ 2 8/16/2010 means that volume AT or ABOUT on Mondays became higher by 152k starting on 8/16/2010 9)LEVEL SHIFT beginning at 7/30/2010 found overall volume to be higher by 21k. 10)PULSE outlier found on 11/1/2010 was low by 368k.  The 41 outliers are reported by importance statistically.


Series __07010796RRAE

Y(T) =  .14855E+06                                                                                     
       +[X1(T)][(-  .24148E+06)]                                       G_WOMEN
       +[X2(T)][(-  .18020E+06)]                                       G_HERITAGE
       +[X3(T)][(+  .11308E+06B**-1-  .25778E+06+  .18230E+06B** 1                                                      
       +  .23546E+06B** 2+  .19179E+06B** 3+  .18266E+06B** 5)]        G_RECONCILE
       +[X4(T)][(+  .16671E+06B**-3+  .17821E+06B**-2+  .15050E+06B**-1                                                 
       -  .22621E+06-  .19222E+06B** 1)]                               M_XMAS
       +[X5(T)][(+  .31591E+06B**-4+  .17758E+06B**-3+  64947.    B**-2                                                 
       -  .21378E+06)]                                                 M_NEWYEARS
       +[X6(T)][(-  72258.    B**-3-  .20193E+06B**-2+  87829.    B**-1                                                 
       -  .20174E+06B** 1)]                                            M_EASTER
       +[X7(T)][(-  .23159E+06+  94924.    B** 1)]                     G_FREEDOM
       +[X8(T)][(+  90703.    B**-2+  49047.    B**-1-  .18390E+06)]   G_WORKERS
       +[X9(T)][(-  .23416E+06+  51151.    B** 1+  76470.    B** 2)]   G_YOUTH
       +[X10(T)[(-  11845.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF09
       +[X11(T)[(-  21861.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF10
       +[X12(T)[(-  17001.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF11
       +[X13(T)[(-  20620.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF01
       +[X14(T)[(-  29782.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF02
       +[X15(T)[(-  13982.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF03
       +[X16(T)[(-  11262.    )]                                       MONTH_EFF04
       +[X17(T)[(-  .16496E+06)]                                       FIXED_EFF_N10107
       +[X18(T)[(+  .13591E+06)]                                       FIXED_EFF_N10307
       +[X19(T)[(+  87981.    )]                                       FIXED_EFF_N10407
       +[X20(T)[(+  38655.    )]                                       FIXED_EFF_N10507
       +[X21(T)[(+  25474.    )]                                       FIXED_EFF_N10607
       +[X22(T)[(+  64857.    )]                                       WKINM01
       +[X23(T)[(-  56641.    )]                                       FIXED_DAY01
       +[X24(T)[(+  46855.    )]                                       FIXED_DAY08
       +[X25(T)[(+  44857.    )]                                       FIXED_DAY09
       +[X26(T)[(+  22607.    )]                                       FIXED_DAY10
       +[X27(T)[(+  17102.    )]                                       FIXED_DAY17
       +[X28(T)[(+  .15233E+06)]                                       :SEASONAL PULSE 1143                164/  2   8/16/2010   I~S01143__07010796RRAE
       +[X29(T)[(+  21070.    )]                                       :LEVEL SHIFT    1126                      161/  6   7/30/2010   I~L01126__07010796RRAE
       +[X30(T)[(-  .36860E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1220                      175/  2  11/ 1/2010   I~P01220__07010796RRAE
       +[X31(T)[(-  .37728E+06)]                                       :PULSE           170                       25/  2  12/17/2007   I~P00170__07010796RRAE
       +[X32(T)[(-  32079.    )]                                       :LEVEL SHIFT     417                       60/  4   8/20/2008   I~L00417__07010796RRAE
       +[X33(T)[(-  .29897E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1067                      153/  3   6/ 1/2010   I~P01067__07010796RRAE
       +[X34(T)[(+  29329.    )]                                       :LEVEL SHIFT     139                       20/  6  11/16/2007   I~L00139__07010796RRAE
       +[X35(T)[(-  .28982E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1129                      162/  2   8/ 2/2010   I~P01129__07010796RRAE
       +[X36(T)[(+  .19134E+06)]                                       :PULSE           536                       77/  4  12/17/2008   I~P00536__07010796RRAE
       +[X37(T)[(-  .26880E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1038                      149/  2   5/ 3/2010   I~P01038__07010796RRAE
       +[X38(T)[(-  .22253E+06)]                                       :PULSE           662                       95/  4   4/22/2009   I~P00662__07010796RRAE
       +[X39(T)[(-  .26024E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1159                      166/  4   9/ 1/2010   I~P01159__07010796RRAE
       +[X40(T)[(-  .29674E+06)]                                       :PULSE           547                       79/  1  12/28/2008   I~P00547__07010796RRAE
       +[X41(T)[(-  .30180E+06)]                                       :PULSE           171                       25/  3  12/18/2007   I~P00171__07010796RRAE
       +[X42(T)[(-  .26154E+06)]                                       :PULSE           303                       44/  2   4/28/2008   I~P00303__07010796RRAE
       +[X43(T)[(+  .17179E+06)]                                       :PULSE           308                       44/  7   5/ 3/2008   I~P00308__07010796RRAE
       +[X44(T)[(+  .21111E+06)]                                       :PULSE           180                       26/  5  12/27/2007   I~P00180__07010796RRAE
       +[X45(T)[(+  .24487E+06)]                                       :PULSE           169                       25/  1  12/16/2007   I~P00169__07010796RRAE
       +[X46(T)[(-  .20171E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1097                      157/  5   7/ 1/2010   I~P01097__07010796RRAE
       +[X47(T)[(+  .28926E+06)]                                       :PULSE           173                       25/  5  12/20/2007   I~P00173__07010796RRAE
       +[X48(T)[(+  .18024E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1139                      163/  5   8/12/2010   I~P01139__07010796RRAE
       +[X49(T)[(-  .21759E+06)]                                       :PULSE           772                      111/  2   8/10/2009   I~P00772__07010796RRAE
       +[X50(T)[(+  .22993E+06)]                                       :PULSE           302                       44/  1   4/27/2008   I~P00302__07010796RRAE
       +[X51(T)[(-  .26803E+06)]                                       :PULSE           307                       44/  6   5/ 2/2008   I~P00307__07010796RRAE
       +[X52(T)[(-  15373.    )]                                       :SEASONAL PULSE  833                      119/  7  10/10/2009   I~S00833__07010796RRAE
       +[X53(T)[(-  .18772E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1189                      170/  6  10/ 1/2010   I~P01189__07010796RRAE
       +[X54(T)[(+  .21572E+06)]                                       :PULSE           771                      111/  1   8/ 9/2009   I~P00771__07010796RRAE
       +[X55(T)[(+  9024.5    )]                                       :LEVEL SHIFT     901                      129/  5  12/17/2009   I~L00901__07010796RRAE
       +[X56(T)[(+  97577.    )]                                       :PULSE           367                       53/  3   7/ 1/2008   I~P00367__07010796RRAE
       +[X57(T)[(+  .17982E+06)]                                       :PULSE           182                       26/  7  12/29/2007   I~P00182__07010796RRAE
       +[X58(T)[(+  .12688E+06)]                                       :PULSE           312                       45/  4   5/ 7/2008   I~P00312__07010796RRAE
       +[X59(T)[(+  .13894E+06)]                                       :PULSE           313                       45/  5   5/ 8/2008   I~P00313__07010796RRAE
       +[X60(T)[(+  .14256E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1040                      149/  4   5/ 5/2010   I~P01040__07010796RRAE
       +[X61(T)[(+  .13974E+06)]                                       :PULSE           408                       59/  2   8/11/2008   I~P00408__07010796RRAE
       +[X62(T)[(-  .19002E+06)]                                       :PULSE           996                      143/  2   3/22/2010   I~P00996__07010796RRAE
       +[X63(T)[(+  49165.    )]                                       :SEASONAL PULSE  632                       91/  2   3/23/2009   I~S00632__07010796RRAE
       +[X64(T)[(+  29613.    )]                                       :SEASONAL PULSE 1088                      156/  3   6/22/2010   I~S01088__07010796RRAE
       +[X65(T)[(+  .14847E+06)]                                       :PULSE          1013                      145/  5   4/ 8/2010   I~P01013__07010796RRAE
       +[X66(T)[(+  .12300E+06)]                                       :PULSE           270                       39/  4   3/26/2008   I~P00270__07010796RRAE
       +[X67(T)[(-  .16349E+06)]                                       :PULSE           540                       78/  1  12/21/2008   I~P00540__07010796RRAE
       +[X68(T)[(-  .19112E+06)]                                       :PULSE           176                       26/  1  12/23/2007   I~P00176__07010796RRAE
      +                    +   [A(T)]

This looks easy to do, right?







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